Be part of our 30th Anniversary Celebrations

From reticent to talkative and confident!

Luella’s story - Peterborough

Luella’s story – Peterborough.

Initially reserved and reticent, Luella would spend her entire weekly small group sessions in her wheelchair, declining opportunities for engagement or mobility.

She’d forego beverages, relying on periodic peg flushes of water to maintain hydration.

The team at Circles Network has remained persistent, ensuring consistency in our interactions, working hard to develop trust, and deepening our understanding of Luella’s needs.

Over time we have discovered that she possesses a delightful sense of humour and an imaginative spirit, which we have leveraged by introducing creative play activities involving dolls and Play-Doh.

Committed efforts to intervene have been instrumental in encouraging Luella to express herself more freely.

Luella’s progress has been truly remarkable.

In a relatively short space of time, she has undergone a significant transformation, becoming talkative, with a notable increase in confidence.

Luella has since made the decision to attend the Circles Network sessions without her wheelchair, fully embracing the opportunity to engage in dynamic play.

Baking unicorn cakes and crafting Play-Doh food for her dolls are activities that are high on Luella’s agenda – so we tailor her time with us to make sure she’s doing the things she enjoys most!

Mid-morning refreshments are now an established part of Luella’s routine, something that was unheard of when she first joined us in November 2020.

An infectious smile, eager to discover the activities we’ve planned is now how Luella greets us each week!

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