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Life Skills helped get my job

Paul’s story - Rugby

Paul’s story – Rugby.

“I struggled in school and felt as though I wasn’t understood. When I left school I always wondered why I was different to the others and why was it always me who had to sit outside the classroom looking in on what the other children were doing? Why was it that when I went to college, I did well?”

Paul has anxiety and is diagnosed with ADHD.

At college, Paul achieved his A-Levels and took vocational courses that gave him some support for attending interviews.

Every interview he went to was unsuccessful.

Enter our Life Skills courses.

After joining Paul was able to build skills that helped him to stay calm during the interview, combined with interview question and answer role plays.

Circles Network helped to put Paul into scenarios where he could take control, with polished interview and communication skills. Having secured an interview at a school, Paul pre-planned a way to engage and show he was really interested.

He told us: “The best part was when the interviewer asked me if I had any questions, and I said ‘yes’. I’d thought out questions beforehand, written them down so I could remember them, and I’d taken them with me.  I felt in full control, for a change. I got the job!”

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