Be part of our 30th Anniversary Celebrations

Happy, occupied and thriving

Jessie’s story - Peterborough

Jessie’s story – Peterborough.

Jessie often shielded himself from others using ear defenders and would pull a hood up over his face. He’d avoid eye contact and rely on gestures to communicate.

During our Saturday clubs, Jessie initially presented as a reserved, introverted child. It was clear that he needed a safe and understanding space, so we sought to build a bridge to engage him.

Lego games on the Xbox are one of his interests – which was also a great opportunity for us to connect.

This simple but intentional approach became a turning point.

Through this shared love of gaming, Jessie slowly opened up, engaging in conversations about the game. Over time, we began to witness a visible transformation built on a solid foundation of trust. His defences came down, quite literally, as he began arriving at his sessions without his ear defenders and with his hood lowered.

A once daunting environment, had become a space of comfort and familiarity.

Encouraged by this progress, the team carefully introduced new activities, discovering Jessie’s other passion for Pokémon.

Recognising the potential to build on this interest, we designed a Pokémon hunt within the hub, using visual aids to bring the game to life. Jessie’s enthusiasm soared, and he eagerly took on a leadership role, hiding the Pokémon for the team to find, which also became a favourite activity. We have since introduced a Pokémon battle card game – now one of Jessie’s preferred activities.

His competitive spirit has flourished, and he takes pride in challenging team members to battles, enthusiastically teaching the rules and sharing his extensive knowledge of Pokémon species.

Week by week, Jessie’s progress continues to amaze us.

Though he still arrives with a quiet and withdrawn demeanour, within minutes, he is fully engaged – chatting with everyone about his favourite characters or telling animated stories.

His confidence has grown immensely, and now, he independently selects from a variety of activities, immersing himself in each one with joy and focus. From zero engagement, Jessie now spends the entire three-hour sessions happy, occupied, and thriving.

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