Circles Advocacy



Circles Network Advocacy

Circles Network has provided person centred, individual and collective advocacy across the UK since the organisation was founded 1994. We deliver advocacy in a variety of different ways throughout the UK and have dedicated advocacy services in several locations across Scotland, where we specialise in providing independent, professional, issue based advocacy for thousands of people, mostly those who are affected by disability, chronic long term illness, mental ill health, learning, physical and sensory difficulties, brain injury, autism and personality disorder. In addition, we provide collective advocacy in some communities and on the wards of clinics and hospitals. Circles of Support, a form of collective advocacy, which we are well known for, are also developed throughout the whole organisation.

Our professional advocacy is provided through:

  • Commissioned advocacy services for local authority and health trusts.
  • Commissioned independent advocacy to support an individual to explore their options and state their choices in tribunals, settlements and care planning.
  • Commissioned independent reviews of care services from a resident’s perspective in line with CQC requirements.
  • Person centred planning and circles of support delivered as part of project/service delivery or purchased as a package of support for individuals or groups.




Circles Advocacy Approach

Our approach is well established, truly independent and professional. We always promote independence, empowerment and inclusion, supporting people to gain the skills, confidence and belief to speak up for themselves wherever possible. We work by creating the thinking space needed to explore possibilities, be clear about choices and advocate for change to happen where required.
Information and knowledge are key to enabling people to make positive choices and although we would never want to direct people, we are always happy to provide information, to signpost individuals to the best service of skilled support and to research individualised content in the context of each person's needs. Sometimes people just need a sounding board, someone to listen carefully so that they can process their experiences and navigate the pathway through to positive solutions.
There is a whole spectrum of situations, from the relatively straight forward to the most complex set of issues imaginable that may be discussed. Each person's issue is none the less important to us. Listening exquisitely is the most essential skill of a good advocate, listening without judgement and prejudice and responding in an authentic, calm manner, reflecting the facts back to the individual and searching out the available options towards positive solutions and human rights. We offer confidential, positive, realistic support that has the individual's wellbeing and fulfilment at heart.
Our professional and highly experienced advocates are skilled in working alongside people with profound and multiple impairments, complex familial/care situations and those dealing with multiple challenges in their lives.
Working to establish a relationship based upon trust, developing a communication method which suits the individual and taking as much time as needed to get to the heart of what really matters to them, our advocates achieve life changing, powerful results for people that we work alongside.


Directly Commissioned Advocacy

Circles Advocacy offer a wide range of services which can be purchased by an individual, care provider, case manager or other stakeholder to ensure that the true voice and choices of a person can be heard. Our advocates will work closely with an individual to develop a relationship built upon trust, to gain a truly independent view of what is important to them and what will have a positive impact upon their immediate and ongoing future.
Some examples of when advocacy could be applied include:

  • Obtaining independent confirmation of an individual’s choices in respect to care and housing.
  • Independent life planning support and development of a person-centred plan.
  • Development and facilitation of a circle of support – a form of group advocacy which brings together stakeholders surrounding an individual to support them to make choices and set goals.
  • Gathering independent feedback and reviews from stakeholders in care settings.
  • Supporting residents in care homes to have their voices heard through planned closures or changes in care.

There are a range of packages and services on offer and we are always happy to discuss your individual needs and how we may help; contact our Advocacy Team today:


We operate in community settings, often from the base of a localised hub or shop front where people can phone or call in. In addition we have a small fleet of cars which enable advocates to travel to different parts of the locality, easing the strain of long journeys on people needing support. Two of our locations we have mobile advocacy vehicles that travels to hard to reach and rural areas on a regular basis, providing an alternative place to sit and talk.

We also work directly in a medium secure forensic clinic and within the low secure wards in Glasgow.

You can view our locations HERE

Volunteer with us.

We frequently look for volunteers to work with us in various roles. These include;

  • Volunteer administration
  • Volunteer advocates
  • Volunteer drivers
  • Volunteer fundraisers

We offer training and support to help you make the best of the role you have chosen to apply for and completely value all of the volunteers in our teams.

Please contact a member of the team if you are interested in volunteering


Student Placements and Internships.

We offer student placements in liaison with various colleges, schools and Universities. We also offer opportunities for internships, these opportunities are mutually beneficial and offer growth and enhancement all around.
For further information please contact us